A New Perspective – A Thanksgiving Message

A New Perspective

A Thanksgiving Message 

HD Wealth Strategies 2018


Thanksgiving traditions take on many forms with family rituals often defined by habit, obligation, or geography.  From the attendees to the meal itself, there seems to be a regularity to the annual event that carries as much expectation as it does stress for some.  I sometimes say to myself, “If this meal was so great, maybe we’d make it more than once a year.”  The same can be said for other items on the Thanksgiving Day agenda.  Maybe it’s time to take a new perspective on the concept of Thankfulness.  

The unmistakeable divisiveness that seems to pervade every moment has grown old and expected.  Even the annual Thanksgiving Day football games have devolved into a politicized platform for disagreement.  I long for the days where we all agreed to hate the Dallas Cowboys.   

With the inevitable challenges that we will face together, it is important that we consider the value of relationships.  We have made a business of helping others achieve goals.  Our client’s goals are never to simply amass wealth, rather achieve an independence and ability to provide for themselves and their families.  The emotional component of these goals and the process to achieve these goals is by far the most important part.  The ability to stay on track and persevere through the onslaught of distractions that ignite fear and greed are essentially  a skill that needs to be cultivated with the presence of a strong relationship built on trust and experience.  At HD Wealth Strategies, we often say, “We may not be right for everybody, but for those who are a fit for our discipline and process, it’s perfect.” 

We are incredibly thankful for the relationships we have with our clients.  We have been fortunate to have grown through the introductions to new clients made by our current clients; so much so that we have essentially eliminated our marketing effort and replaced it with even more client-focused elements.  Our goal is to continually earn the right to be introduced to our clients’ friends, co-workers, and families.  It is true that the best people are always found through the best people.  

So, in this opening week of the holiday season that is billed as a time to give thanks, our perspective is that while so much of what defines our business is out of our control, we are most thankful for the people that make up our business.  The realness and authentic characteristics that make up each of your lives adds so much depth and wisdom to our lives.  Our relationships allow us to get well beyond the transactions, statements, dollars.  When we look beyond the business of business what we have are friends.  What more could we possibly ask for.

Happy Thanksgiving!



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