Working Remotely at Full Capacity

Working Remotely at Full Capacity

A Message From Allie and Steve

Due to the spread of the coronavirus and the need for society to “flatten the curve,” we want to do our part and have decided to have our team work remotely.  We are absolutely working diligently on your behalf.  As part of our process, we had previously developed contingency plans for challenges that could impact our work flow.  Thankfully, these processes are in place to maintain our capacity to serve you as we navigate this challenge together.  We have full access to our technology and communication systems, including our phones.  While our intention is to run at full capacity, please be assured that if you do reach our voicemail your call will be returned promptly.   Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need assistance.  We will continue to reach out to you to set-up meetings and for now, plan to utilize the HDWS virtual meeting room.  If you’d prefer a face to face meeting, please just let us know and we will plan to schedule those meetings a little further out.   We look forward to seeing you “virtually” very soon.  As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.  We appreciate the continued opportunity to work with you and your family.  We will get through this and be stronger together. 

Your advisors,
Allie & Steven


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