2016 Bike MS Recap


Another Great Year for Team HD!

By Allie (DeYoung) Schmidt, Financial Advisor, CFP®, CPA

This marks the 6th year that we’ve had a team ride in the Colorado Bike MS event.  It was another great ride with a very fun group of riders.  We had a lot of new faces on the route this year with half of our team joining us for the first time.  Every rider hit the ground “running” from a fundraising stand point and we have raised over $12,000 just this year to fight Multiple Sclerosis.  The team has raised a total of $83,124 the past 6 years!

Each year I am blown away by the generosity of our community.  It is truly incredible what can be done when you call on your friends, they call on theirs, and we all rally together toward a common goal.  We’re so proud to be a part of the fight against Multiple Sclerosis.  Thank you to everyone who rode, donated, or came to our different fundraising events throughout the Spring, your participation made a difference.  This won’t be a cause we support forever, because they will find a cure, and we will all have been a part of it.   See you next year!


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