Our Unique Approach

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Allison DeYoung profile imageOur Unique Apporach

The MyStrategy™ series allows us, as well as our clients, to focus on the things that we can control. I was frustrated working with “out of the box” financial planning software, realizing that discussing the 50+ page reports with clients was daunting and at times more confusing than it was helpful. Steve and I sat down a couple years ago and realized that we needed to do financial planning differently for our clients. We were going to create a customized strategy and deliverable report that was easy to read, understandable, and most importantly, pointed our clients’ expectations, risk tolerance, and investment dollars towards their unique goals.

We are an investment management firm, but our practice is driven by our clients’ goals, with investments used to accomplish those goals. Whether it be retiring, sending a child or grandchild to college, or tax efficiently transferring assets to the next generation, MyStrategy™ helps take the emotion out of investing. It allows our team to manage investments based on a financial strategy, knowing what those dollars are intended to do.


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