A Desire To Be Better

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Steven Higgins ImafeA Desire To Be Better

MyStrategy™ fills a big hole in the business of financial planning and investing. I’ve been advising clients in financial matters for almost fifteen years – but who’s counting? I’ve seen concepts change as the practice of investment management tried to keep ahead of an ever-changing market landscape and the demographic tsunami that is the “baby boomers.” Investments and financial planning seem intertwined and there is a conflict between investment sales and strategic recommendations. I believe financial strategy is not about products, it is about understanding goals and expectations. At this point in my career I feel like I have a tool and a process that truly works to help clients understand and reach their goals. 

MyStrategy™ was created because of frustrations with the tools and software programs on the market. It was concerning to feel like clients were leaving appointments with some of the same questions they came in with. We were faced with a dilemma: either try to make the industry’s antiquated products fit a new landscape or create something new. The idea of making something from scratch seemed daunting. We were motivated by the same creative fuel that led us to start our firm five years ago: HD Wealth Strategies. We stretched our understandings of technology, software, human decision science, investments, and strategy. We challenged each other and went back to the drawing table time after time. What you see now is a process that will lead to the success of our client’s strategies. MyStrategy™ is powerful and it will only get better. I know it is not realistic for every advisor to want to innovate and create new programs, but I do believe that there should be a driving desire to be better so our clients can be better. I’m so proud to introduce MyStrategy™: A Crafted Approach to Financial Planning.  


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