MyStrategy™ Series is our unique wealth management process that provides a clear understanding of your goals and monitors your progress over time.
Strategies Include:
This Policy creates the foundation for your financial strategies discussions. The MyStrategy Personal Investment Policy™ (“PIP”) establishes an understanding of the relationship between risk aversion, goals, and expectations. In a sense, the PIP clarifies what is expected of the advisor, the client, and the investments. While crafting the PIP, we try to identify conflicts and misunderstanding in your plan before they become problems. It’s our approach to the risk tolerance questionnaire.
MyStrategy Foundations™ is a robust “net worth statement” which represents your entire portfolio of assets, including investments held at Higgins and Schmidt Wealth Strategies, outside accounts, retirement accounts, business interests, and real estate. By consolidating all of your resources, you can measure progress and strategically allocate your resources while considering the big picture.
Our unique approach to retirement planning. There is nothing traditional about retirement. The quality of life for retirees has improved dramatically and there is a new concept of what the time after your working years should be. Rather than consider “retirement” as an end, we consider it the point in life at which working for pay becomes optional and your desire for day to day “independence” becomes paramount. Higgins & Schmidt Wealth Strategies created MyStrategy Independence™ to help clients envision and create a strategy for providing for a long healthy retirement.
MyStrategy Independence™ monitors the most important factors: planned income, longevity, spending, and investment performance. Combining your Personal Investment Policy™ and Foundations™ with MyStrategy Independence™, we hope that you will have a powerful understanding of this exciting, independent time of your life.
Whether your retirement investments are in your current employer’s plan or managed by the professionals at Higgins & Schmidt Wealth Strategies, we want to be sure that all accounts are working together. Each work retirement plan is different and can vary greatly in the quality and availability of specific investments. For this reason, we will evaluate your investments available and ensure that each of your accounts are appropriately allocated and diversified across all accounts.
MyStrategy 401K™ will take an in-depth look at your current allocation and sector breakdown, showing what you currently own and also provide recommendations (if necessary) and commentary based on your Personal Investment Policy. Our goal is to align all of your accounts and help you utilize the best investments available in your plan.
There are a number of different factors that come into play when trying to determine how much to have and where to invest for future college expenses. Our approach is to look at your specific situation; including the type of secondary education you’d like to prepare for, your current tax situation, timeline, and money available to invest. From here we can help you determine the amount needed and evaluate several different investment options; including 529 state college savings plans, municipal bond zero coupon, and taxable accounts to determine which is appropriate for you and your family. The MyStrategy .edu™ report will outline your personal strategy, assumptions and expectations.
Most of us have a vision of what we would like to see happen with our assets when we are gone. Our goal at Higgins & Schmidt Wealth Strategies is to make sure that your documents and accounts align with those visions. We will help to evaluate the most cost and tax efficient ways to pass assets to the next generation. We do not prepare estate documents; however, we can work closely with your estate attorney to make sure your wishes are communicated.
MyStrategy Legacy™ will document those wishes and the strategy to help accomplish your final wishes so you can feel confident in your estate plan.
The best of planning can be wiped out in a moment if we are not realistic about the potential problems that can unexpectedly impact our lives. All too often, insurance policies are purchased as stand-alone products without regarding the overall strategy, which can leave families not adequately protected by either over-insuring or by canceling policies. MyStrategy Security™ is a planning tool that identifies risk and clarifies steps to mitigate the risk, which sometimes includes insurance policies. Risk management isn’t about creating commissions for insurance agents, it’s about protecting your strategy.
Our Unique Approach
The MyStrategy™ series allows us, as well as our clients, to focus on the things that we can control. I was frustrated working with generic financial planning software, realizing that discussing the 50+ page reports with clients was daunting…
Download The HDWS App
This Mobile App allows you to access real-time information, including a comprehensive net worth statement including your Higgins & Schmidt investment portfolio, accounts held outside of Higgins & Schmidt, work retirement plans, and real estate holdings. You are able to see up-to-date information regarding your financial plan and goals and access personalized videos featuring your advisors walking you through the details of your statement. Additionally, you are able to access content created by your advisors directly through this Mobile App.