HD Wealth Strategies Annual Night at the Ballpark

HD Wealth Strategies Annual Night at the Ballpark

By:Allison Schmidt, Financial Advisor, CFP®, CPA

I’m always so grateful after HD’s annual night at the ballpark.  Getting to chat, have a beer (well not this year…), and watch a game with our clients makes this event one of my favorite nights of the year.  It gives us the opportunity to connect and get to know each other on a level that doesn’t revolve around market ups & downs, financial strategies, or economic outlooks. Just a great summer night with family and friends! 

This year was full of fun: a great pregame warm-up at Wynkoop, a 9th inning tying run leading to an extra inning, with unfortunately too many San Francisco Giants’ runs.  Thank you to everyone who came out.  I know my family and our team had a great time seeing everyone. It is such a warm reminder of how lucky we are to work with such great people.  See you next year!


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