Kicking Off Bike MS 2016

Kicking Off Bike MS 2016



By Steven Higgins, Financial Advisor, Principal

HD Wealth Strategies is proud to announce that 2016 will mark the sixth consecutive year we will sponsor a team of riders in the Bike MS event in June.  The event includes several course options ranging from the 30 mile Fort Collins loop ride to the two day 170 mile course.  Each year, the Higgins and DeYoung team has become more dynamic with riders of all different ages and abilities.  In 2015, the team eclipsed the $70,000 mark of funds raised for MS research.  2016 carries big expectations as we try to set a record for riders and money raised.  Multiple Sclerosis can be a devastating disease but with the energy and enthusiasm of events like Bike MS, we will find a cure. 

We are looking for riders to join our energetic team.  Riders need not be the most experienced, have the best bike, or the tightest spandex.  Riders, however, do need a bike and the ability to raise at least $400.  Being a rider for Team HD Wealth Strategies has some serious perks.  We will host several fun events before the ride to help you raise funds.  The events usually involve some arrangement of beer, sports, and food.  If you are a new rider on our team, we’ll provide you with a custom team jersey for the ride.  On Saturday of the ride, we provide a big tent at the race festival with food and drinks and plenty of room to chill out and tell stories about the big ride. 

Bike MS is one of the most fun events of the year and we look forward to make this the best year yet.  We hope you can join us.  Of course, it’s best to start early so go to our team page, sign up, and mark the calendar.  It’s Bike MS time!


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